Every year many badgers get killed, or are badly injured, or our busy roads. If you do see a badger lying at the side of the road, please try to stop and check whether it may still be alive. If you do stop to check on the animal be aware that a badger is a strong animal with a dangerous bite. DO NOT handle them unless you're confident with what you're doing.

If you can safely place a blanket or coat over the casualty this will help to reduce stress, and keep the badger warm. If the badger is on the road, DO NOT attempt to move it, but try instead to protect the animal from traffic by parking up close to it with your hazard lights on. Always consider your own personal safety first when attending any wildlife road traffic casualty and, if you're unable to remain with the animal until help arrives, please note the exact location so that a rescue organization can easily find the animal. The location can be marked by tying either a plastic bag, or old car rag, to a nearby tree or fence. If the badger is lying as if unconscious find a long strong stick and quietly and slowly approach the animal. Gently prod the badger with the stick working from its rump up to the sensitive areas around its eyes and mouth to safely check for any possible movement. If there is still no movement but the badger is visibly breathing and, you feel confident in moving the animal, do so with great care! With the help of several people and some long strong sticks it may be possible to gently roll, or slide, the unconscious badger onto a car rug or tarpaulin. A more dangerous method is to pick up the badger and place it gently on the rug or tarpaulin. This should be done by using the loose skin at the scruff of the neck and rump of the animal. NEVER pick up a badger by holding its tail. Once the badger is on the rug it can be safely carried by using the four corners. Place the badger in the boot of your car when transporting it, as we have known injured animals to recover from torpor once placed in a warm car, and then attempt to dig their way out. Other situations where a badger would need your help is when you can see visible wounds or limb injuries, the animal is trapped in a snare or caught-up in fencing, or is an orphaned cub. Usually any badger that allows you to approach it is a sick animal. We would always recommend that you contact a wildlife rescue, the RSPCA or your local badger group for help when rescuing an injured badger. They have the equipment and knowledge to carry out a successful and safe rescue.