A badger caught in a snare is a very dangerous animal. DO NOT under any circumstances attempt to free the trapped animal yourself. For help and advice you will need to contact either your local police, the RSPCA, or a wildlife rescue as quickly as possible. Your local badger group should also be informed, as they will need to check the animal isn't a lactating sow, a clear indication that dependant cubs are nearby that will also be in need of help. While you await their arrival stay back from the trapped animal so as to avoid further unnecessary stress. However, if safe to do so, place either a coat or blanket over the badger as this will help to reduce the stress, and will keep the animal warm. A legal snare incorrectly set under Defra's Code of Conduct, becomes an illegal snare, if set too low to the ground. It's therefore best not to remove, or interfere with the snare, as that constitutes an offence in law. Removing a legal snare could also see you being charged with theft. ALWAYS contact your local police, and take photographs, should you come across a snare.